Creating outlines is important before you can send artworks to us in ai format. This is to ensure that there are no missing fonts when we are checking your artwork. Refer to the guide below to find out how to create outlines.
Below is the artwork where we will create outlines for.
Firstly, select all by pressing CTRL+A(Windows) or CMD+A(Mac).
Then, go to Type and click on Create Outlines.
Now, the outlines has been created and ready to print. Notice that the fonts are not highlighted anymore(therefore not editable).
Similarly, embedding images is also important if your artwork include images. Images have to be embedded before artworks can be sent to us in ai format. This is to ensure that there are no missing images when we are checking your artwork. Refer to the guide below to find out how to embed images.
Firstly, select all images.
Then, go to the top panel and click on Embed to embed image.
Now, the image has been embedded. The artwork is ready to send over for printing.